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Workplace Inclusivity

Want to better understand your neurodivergent employees and maximise their full potential? At Mastery Services, we offer a program to help businesses understand the best approaches to help employees and employers better understand each other and work to their full potential.


Neurodivergent people make up a considerable proportion of our workforces. We find that employees will withhold sharing their diagnosis in the workplace for fear of being misunderstood or seen as less capable. Each diagnosis comes with it's own gifts but often they are only seen as having weaknesses. It's important for employers to understand neuro divergent staff as individuals so they can realise their full potential within their workplace.


Our mission is to help businesses to build a work environment in which employees and staff can feel comfortable to share their individual needs to optimise their ability to work effectively within their business.

Our Process

For Neurodivergence in the workplace establishing a baseline is important for the understanding of what is expected from all key stakeholders.


 We understand that outdated practices leave you at risk. We review your practices and policies to ensure that you exceed the highest of expectations. You will be ahead of regulations, technology, and industry best practices. 


With a strong Neuro Safe baseline you can support staff to realise your wider vision


Once a Neuro Safe baseline is in place, we will begin creating your Neuro-safe Space. We will work on editing company policy, training methods and ways of working that could hinder your neurodivergent staff from achieving their full potential.


We will implement training programs following the new policies to bring into action the plans that we have set out for the business to create a Neuro-safe Space. We will also figure out the best way for your company to continuously review the success of these new systems and make sure they are not lost as staff turns over.

Why Choose Mastery Services?

Mastery Services was started to support young people to live and thrive with Special Educational Needs through tutoring. At Mastery Services, we know that each neurodivergent has different ways of thinking that differ from the majority; and that this is only a hinderance if the majority that set up the system does not cater towards their way of thinking. This is why we use the term neuro-diverse instead of learning disorder. We understand first-hand how empowerment and realisation of one's differences as a strength is a powerful tool to a journey to fulfilment and success.


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